Risk Profile

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Risk Profile Form


1 ) What is your age group?

2 ) Investement Goal ?

3 ) Proposed Investment Amount ?

4 ) Preferred Investment type ?

5 ) Gross Annual Income details ?

6 ) Market Value of portfolio held?

7 ) Primary Source of Income

8 ) Secondary Source Of Income

9 ) Investment Experience ?

10 ) Experience in market products

11 ) How many dependents do you financially support ?

12 ) What is the size of your emergency fund ?

13 ) What is your experience with market products in past?

14 ) When market is not performing well do you prefer to buy risky investments and sell less risky investments?

15 ) What is your preference w.r.t securities with low risk low return over high risk high return?

16 ) Risk Tolerance

17 ) What percentage of monthly income is allocated to pay off debt [all EMIs]?

Risk Classification Your Score
High Risk > 17
Medium Risk > 13 and <= 17
Low Risk <= 13

The questionnaire returns a score on the basis of which you fall in either of the category mentioned above. This assessment is made solely on the basis of your financial situation and the answers selected by you.
As your advisor, I and you confirm that we have worked together to determine your risk profile and the investment options that are best suited for your investment style.